Would you like to make your life easy when it comes to planning your wedding?
Right now, you’re just engaged and excited about planning your big day. How hard can it be, right?
Soooo, you have to decide ( if you don’t already know) what kind of dress you would like? What does the groom want? Will your entourage like their clothes? Does the venue have this particular shade of pink I like? Do they serve the food I prefer? Do we go with the all-Indian menu? Shall we have a Sushi Bar!? Is this green, too green? Why don’t they make leaves this colour?
How hard can it be right? Right?
So, it really doesn’t need to be this complex. It can be fun, the experience can be memorable and filled with the things that you’ll love as a couple. How you ask? Let me help you
Even before you Google, ‘ How to plan a wedding”, you have to decide on one thing that will make your life oh.so.easy. The first thing you do. The very first thing. IS Pick A Theme.
It seems so self-explanatory, right? Like, Of course, we will pick a theme. But, by this, I don’t mean pick a colour. That comes later.
In order to move forward, ask yourself, What are we all about? Do we love Anime and coffee? Are we Beach people? Do we love animals? Are we fitness enthusiasts? ( you may have different likes, that’s great as well!)
There you go, that’s your theme! Now, you’re going to ask me how exactly that makes your life easier? Let me show you.
Let me explain with an example
A small example of what I mean when I say, “Pick a Theme”
Say you focus on your theme first. You’ll are beach babies. The sound of water brings a smile to your lips, it’s a balm to your soul. Like, you really Love it.
You love the elegant boho chic style. Chances are you also like Airy dresses, Vintage-y vibes, flowy draping, you get the gist.
Or, you love a more elegant, no-frills sort of look. So, sleek mermaid gowns, no-frills and flounce. https://www.instagram.com/p/CX8HmjEv23r/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
Now, for your wedding day, your dress, the groom’s suit/tux/sherwani, what the rest of the entourage is wearing is sorted as far as look goes.
Your flowers and decor? Sorted.
How you ask? Well, say you love sunflowers? Or roses? Or heck, you only like grasses. Well, the sun and sea will tie it ALL together.
The flowers you choose for your bouquet and entourage should be your favourites. Then, based on the theme, you can add accents to contrast your favourites. So, if you like sunflowers and the colour burgundy, your venue is by the sea, you’ll have a bouquet that looks something like this.

For decor, You can ask your decorator to pull out any and ALL vintage inspired decor ideas you have, mix any colours you can imagine and it will work! Velvet table covers with wooden slabs on it? Or, bare wooden tables? Arches with pampas, gypsophila and loose drapes?
So, by focusing on the entire theme of the wedding, you have the clothes, flowers, decor and chances are, the food is all sorted.
And, the icing on the seaside themed cake? When your guests arrive and celebrate with you, they will know without a doubt that they have attended a wedding that’s been influenced by your love for sand and sea. How cool is that!?
Here’s where I come in 🙂
So, if this still seems like you can’t decide on a theme together, why don’t you set up a meeting with me? We can talk it out, you can gain some clarity.. There’s really no risk.
Are you getting married?? I guess you are, you’re reading this blog right now.
Do you want to make your wedding planning easier? If not, well, go about your day.
But if you do, and you need clarity, what have you got to lose? Nothing, really. Like I said, it’s just a chat.
But if it does work for you? Well, you’ll save tons of time. What will you do with all that free time that you save by talking to me? Who knows. Maybe you’ll work more? Probably not, but maybe.
Maybe you’ll just get to go out to the beach or hiking more often. You know you’ve been meaning to do that lately.
Might as well give it a try!
If you’d like to set up a call with me, just drop an email to me at thehappyflorristmumbai@gmail.com and we can set up a time to chat 🙂 can’t wait!